Cyathea atrox, Dicksonia, and Lobelia

Just a short update on some of my plants. First, Cyathea atrox, a tree fern I got just before moving to Denver, so I have had it a few years. It never loved being in Denver (hot, dry) but was always resilient enough to continue to exist. In Portland, it has been much happier.


Cyathea atrox with a new crozier!

One of the other tree ferns I have outside is a Dicksonia antarctica. I water it every day and it seems to be a happy plant!


Dicksonia antarctica

Lastly, an update on the Lobelia bambuseti! I am still just thrilled with how quickly they seem to be growing. They seem to wilt easily and want almost boggy conditions. They bounce back fairly easily but it definitely shows when they want water.

Interestingly, there is actually some minor leaf variation between the plants. Some are more ellipsoid and others are more elongated. However, neither seem to look like the mature Lobelia bambuseti images I have seen.


Lobelia bambuseti


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